GradLife Chic

Back in Action

ReflectionsMaria S. Jones2 Comments

I'm baaaaack!! Yesterday was my first day back from being on a leave of absence for a year. I'm in a bizarre place where I kind of feel like a brand new first-year graduate student since I am in a different lab working with a new advisor but with the knowledge of having been in the program for the past four years. It's a very interesting feeling. Equally scary and invigorating. I spent the majority of my first day bonding with my new labmates, getting my computer set up, getting started on my extensive reading list for the summer, and generally getting organized.  I am so excited about my future academic career!!!

...wait...did I just say that?!

It feels strange to read that sentence since not too long ago I was so exhausted physically, mentally, and spiritually from graduate school that it became necessary to take a medical leave of absence. Despite being in so much pain, my passion for the academic lifestyle remained strong. The fact that I feel so excited, despite the gargantuan task of starting my research program over, tells me that I made the right decision and I couldn't be happier!

Not to get too emotional on you but I really don't know where I would be right now if it wasn't for the loving support of my parents, my sister and brother, my amazing friends, my awesome cohort, the faculty and staff at my university, and my own determination to finish this Ph.D.

Restez Chic Toujours!